Visitor Information
Here are a few thing to know about before and during your stay.
Telephone Calls
To make a local call from patient rooms: Dial 9, then the phone number.
To call a patient’s room: Dial 688-7, then the patient’s room number (8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. only).
Callers who do not know the room number may call hospital information, 334-688-7000.
Smoking is not permitted at all on hospital grounds
Visitor Amenities
Clean restrooms are located on every floor for your convenience. Please let one of our team members know if they need attention or are in need of locating them. Vending machines are located on the first floor next to the cafeteria
Guest Wifi
Wifi internet is available for patients. Please ask your care provider or the nurse’s station for the password.
Pastoral Services
Chaplains are very important members of our “Healing Team” and are available to assist patients and their families with emotional and spiritual concerns. Contact a nurse in order to notify a chaplain.